10 Tips for Successful Estate Planning

Author: Lismont Professional Corporation | | Categories: Accountants , Accounting Firm , Bookkeeping

Blog by Lismont Professional Corporation

Estate planning is vital for every individual, regardless of their age or financial status. It is a crucial process of preparing and organizing your assets to ensure that they are distributed according to your wishes after your death. Successful estate planning can provide peace of mind and financial security for you and your loved ones. In this blog, we will provide you with 10 tips for successful estate planning.


1. Start Early

The earlier you start estate planning, the better. It is important to plan your estate while you are still young and healthy, so you have enough time to make informed decisions and make changes when necessary.

2. Create a Will

A will is a legal document that outlines how your assets will be distributed after your death. It is essential to have a will, regardless of your financial status. Without a will, your assets may be distributed according to the intestacy laws of your province.

3. Appoint an Executor

An executor is responsible for managing your estate after your death. It is crucial to appoint someone you trust and who is capable of handling the responsibilities of an executor.

4. Review Your Beneficiaries

It is important to review your beneficiaries regularly to ensure that they are up to date. This is especially important if you have experienced any significant life changes, such as marriage or divorce.

5. Consider Tax Implications

Estate planning can have significant tax implications. It is essential to consider these implications when creating your estate plan to ensure that you are minimizing your tax liabilities.

6. Plan for Incapacity

Incapacity planning involves planning for the possibility that you may become unable to make decisions for yourself. It is important to have a plan in place to ensure that your wishes are respected in the event of your incapacity.

7. Consider Trusts

Trusts can be an effective way to manage your assets during your lifetime and after your death. They can provide financial security for your loved ones and allow you to have more control over how your assets are distributed.

8. Update Your Estate Plan Regularly

It is important to review and update your estate plan regularly to ensure that it reflects your current wishes and circumstances. This includes reviewing your will, beneficiaries, and any trusts you may have.

9. Seek Professional Advice

Estate planning can be complex, and it is essential to seek professional advice from a qualified accountant or lawyer. They can provide you with guidance and ensure that your estate plan is legally sound.

10. Communicate Your Wishes

Finally, it is important to communicate your wishes with your loved ones. This can help to avoid confusion and conflict after your death and ensure that your wishes are respected.


Estate planning is an essential process that should not be overlooked. By following these 10 tips, you can ensure that your estate plan is successful, and your wishes are respected after your death. At Lismont Professional Corporation, our Chartered Professional Accountants have the expertise and knowledge to guide you through the estate planning process. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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